sharing is loving

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


感觉好像刚从海边回来! :D

Sunday, July 17, 2011


我今天第一次一下子买那么多脸部用的东西.应该是说那个店员一直介绍,这个有打折、那个比平时便宜、这款买一送一...他介绍一样我就回头问妈妈,“怎样?”他就一脸很愿意的样子,然后就买了这些,就这样简单!事实上是真的比平时划算一些.所以啊,当你去逛街遇到很多店都打折时,都会忍不住花了很多钱买些一堆有的没的,只因为“它(们)比平时的价钱低”.有的是用得/穿得蛮喜欢,而也有的时候买了回到家才发现自己花了不少钱买了多余的物品(后悔的心态),没地方让它发挥,渐渐的,就会放在一边>遗弃>冷冻结冰>丢弃.唉,一样“物品”有时也蛮命苦的,没有权利选择自己要还是不要,动还是不动...人就不一样,若心不动,哪来的行动!?而我对自己的决定就不够坚决.举个例子,每当放学时间超过2.20,我就会“遇到巴士就搭”那样随心所欲.但是有时就是那么不巧,等了很久后(很夸张的有一个小时)T牌就来了,我心里想“哎,还是等等,平时搭的那辆s牌的很快就到了,比较省时又能省下3毛”结果最后还是被自己动摇,上了T牌的巴士.....眼睁睁看着S牌的巴士接着来,很快就走了.话说回来,如果每次去逛街购物,商店挂着“net price”,那还会不会买得下手?这时回家就会抱怨“啊!今天什么收获也没有,真无聊!”真矛盾啊.......

Saturday, July 2, 2011

"the love you gave"

if you can't find it, don't be too sad.
We can't always have what we's just life

When you really really like someone,it's easy to think too much,say stupid things and do silly stuff.

Are "love" and "like" synonyms?
If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.

What about "like" and "hate",are they antonyms?
If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it.

Spring tickles your nose.
Summer whooshes through your sleeves.
The sky stands high in the fall.
By the time we realize,most of the winter has passed.

If the person you like doesn't like you,wouldn't it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you?

Don't walk too slowly,the flowers will wilt;
but don't walk too fast either,then the flower won't be blossoming yet.

The things that we persistently chase after now,will become unimportant someday.

The so-called "life",all depends on who you meet.

It's easy to feel the happiness of others and feel pity for ourselves,
When we build our happiness,on top of others' happiness,will it be easier to be...happy?