sharing is loving

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012



迈进多一步   ............跨.............!



Friday, January 20, 2012

i was lucky like a four leaf clover

i saw this quote (maybe it was a lyrics) from A Beautiful Mess page,share you the link
so true ya~ everyone wish they could be the luckiest one...As far as I know,if you believe in luck ,it doesn't mean that you are superstitious!yes,i believe in it! :D but the question is, did you work hard for it in the other hand?

that's why i decide to study Psychology

another new discovery! share with someone who had same taste in clothing with me

here it is ^___^

besides beautiful outfits,she also shared some tips about hair styling,check it out !
i love the way she wearing included shoes and dress! :)

so fast,next monday will be the first day of chinese new year! my new shoes,new clothes,and of course a new bag! actually im searching for a bag since long time,but who knows,jiahui gift me a bag as my birthday present!but i need another bigger size bag :) hehe,red shirt,red shorts and red shoes too!

 yay!finally i got mayday latest album! i asked my neighbour who are studying in taiwan help me to buy!and fortunately,he bought the version that i want (i didnt tell him which version i want)i paid him RM40,thank you :D

Saturday, January 14, 2012



Thursday, January 5, 2012

the song you are listening now...

 this was recorded by fans when she went to the concert... 
so nice this song!long long time ago~~they wrote this song 
脱下长日的假面 奔向梦幻的疆界 
南瓜马车的午夜 换上童话的玻璃鞋 
让我享受这感觉 我是孤傲的蔷薇 
让我品尝这滋味 纷乱世界的不了解 
昨天太近 明天太远 默默聆听那黑夜 
晚风吻尽 荷花叶 任我醉倒在池边 
等你清楚看见我的美 月光晒干眼泪 
那一个人 爱我 
将我的手 紧握 
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~ 别走 
隐藏自己的疲倦 表达自己的狼狈 
放纵自己的狂野 找寻自己的明天 
向你要求的誓言 就算是你的谎言 
我需要爱的慰借 就算那爱已如潮水 
昨天太近 明天太远 默默聆听那黑夜 
晚风吻尽 荷花叶 任我醉倒在池边 
等你清楚看见我的美 月光晒干眼泪 
那一个人 爱我 
将我的手 紧握 
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~ 别走 
那一个人 爱我 
将我的手 紧握 
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~ 别走 
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~ 别走 
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~

2012? her story is still going on !

每次听都是不一样的感觉······ :(

Sunday, January 1, 2012


昨天在看跨年真的很闷啊····因为五月天在七点唱到八点就完了····阿信的声音有点沙哑···好摇滚哦!! 哈哈!还是很好听!!之后我有比较注意的是magic power,他们也很不错!

 今天去了每次经过柔佛都会去面店买面···哈哈!其实它是一家很久了的(吧?)卖手工面的店家,叫福州面,我们一家人喜欢吃手工面 :D


"boh jiao"